Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Kid thoughts

Yesterday I was explaining to Carsen the meaning of the word "inhibit". After some explanation I asked him if he understood and he thought for a while and said: "I suppose you could say: Mommy inhibits Ammon's mischief!" then fell into a fit of giggles. It was absolutely adorable and I couldn't stop laughing myself.

He bore his testimony for the first time last Sunday. He had been asking about it for a while but Travis and I had been hesitant to let him go up where he is so young. Last month a little girl in a younger Primary class got up so he came home insisting that it was his turn. I was super nervous because he wouldn't tell me beforehand what he wanted to say. But, he marched up after the first counselor opened the meeting up for testimony's and said:

"I feel the Holy Ghost when I sing and I know the Holy Ghost teaches us things that are true. In the name of Jesus Christ amen."

It was so sweet and made sweeter by the fact that anyone who sits in the Chapel on Sunday's can pick out Carsen's loud little voice as he belts out the hymns. I love my buddy.


Ammon may not be the monster I was worried about after all :) Yesterday when I put him to bed after a story and drinking his milk I asked him if he wanted me to sing him a song. He said yes "Yesh" and I asked him what song he wanted me to sing. "I Beeve" Which would make sense had you been listening to our home life for the past couple weeks. He was asking for an arrangement I just put together called "I Believe" and hearing him ask for it was one of those sweet moments that nowadays seem few and far between when I feel like I'm not that inadequate as a mother after all. Also Ammon mostly communicates in grunts so it is still new and exciting when he actually says something that is semi dephipherable. Oops. Guess that's not a word - you know what I mean.

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