I once read that if you look at things from a positive point of view, even if you don't feel like it, eventually you will begin to think more positively. I tried to do that during our puke flu phases and it worked a little. Here are some of the positive things about our month! - Ok, maybe positive isn't the right word but definetly funny -

Carsen had a never ending pink mustache stain from the food coloring we used in the Valentine's Day cookies.

I don't know how to flip this. I'm working on the laptop so I can just pick up the whole computer and rotate it. Sorry if you can't. This was Carsen's valentine to his daddy. "I love you! Happy Valentine's Day Love Carsen"

Ammon has enough fat reserves to handle being totally sick for a week. He is actually happier to have nothing in his tummy.

I know it probably sounds mean, but one night Ammon had been up and sick and when I went to get a diaper then heard grunting from the room he was in. This is what I found. I guess everything is funny that early...
By the way, if anyone read the title of this post and expected I would be posting pictures of myself, shame on you. Shame.
Actually, I know we need to update our family picture. I suggest doing it every Sunday before we run out the door to church. The problem is, we're always late for church anyway. I know you probably think any normal family could just take the picture after church but...
After church means:
One of us will take off his tie before walking in the door
Two of us are sweaty enough to pass for marathon runners
And one of us is covered in crayon
Gah! So sorry you ALL had the pukes...Evan had the barfs this past weekend...hopefully we wont get it...especially Liv!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I AM SHAMED. Shame on ME! I was hoping to see your pretty face, you poop. I got all excited! If I can post pictures of myself after gaining 60 hellacious lbs with Livia, (thank you TPN, I hate you) you can! Alas, it is your decision and I support you in it.
And finally the whole family picture thing...I HEAR YOU! Blasted family pictures I say!
ps- your boys are getting cuter every time you post...tell them to stop it already, I can't take the cuteness!
Miss you...
Vicki -
ReplyDeleteI JUST found you blog! And I love it! I am so excited to keep up with you and your cute family's happenings!
You look great and it looks like life is good!
It's been forever so reading your blog will be fun!