We broke down and got some family pictures just in time for Ammon's first birthday. Here are some results and some advice if you're planning on taking pictures with your family.
Mischief Man

Just like Daddy

Don't put on fake tanner the night before you get your pictures taken.

I've always got my tongue hangin' out
Don't give your kids fruit loops within an hour before you go.

Dancing baby
Do plan for an acrobatic display - you're kids will love it

He's going to kindergarten next month. Also managed to make friends with an older lady at the photo studio who's from Florida. He told her the capital was Tallahassee and it was bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.

Watching Mommy dance
Don't wear that tulip style dress that reminds you of Kelly Ripa. No matter how skinny you think you are, you're going to look puffy.

The Great Escape
Don't plan on your 1 year old making friends with the camera man. I think that pretty much covers it.
Looks like a ton of fun.. Random thing happened. I was sitting in the Indy airport waiting for my plane and there was this family sitting across from me. I struck up conversation and turns out they were in your Plainfield ward. The wife was Tongan or Samoen. and they had 2 kids. Nice family. When I asked if they knew Vickie and Travis, the husband asked if Vickie Looked like Barbie.. I started laughing and said yes. Have fun In Idaho.. Maybe one day well make it back west.