Friday, April 15, 2011

Hope Chest

No pictures, just boring memories. Sorry Mom.

Sorry also for the previous post. I would like to pass blame to the rainy weather we've had and the incredible amount of spring cleaning I've been undertaking.

I cleaned out my hope chest this morning. After filling one trash bag (goodbye oregon coast broken sea shells) and two donation bags I filled a box of things that were actually worth keeping. Here are a few highlights.

License plate that says "Victoria". This was given to me by my oldest brother Jared who brought it back with him from his mission to give me. I keep it because I remember the astonished look on his face when my mom told him that my name was not actually Victoria but Vickie. I still remember his: "Are you serious!" This was probably my fault because I had an unhealthy infatuation with Queen Victoria from an early age (I read all about her in our Encyclopedia Britannica volume "V"). Something I again realized after watching "The Young Victoria" and reading a book about her life (thanks Ash). I used to refer to myself as Princess Victoria a lot - so much that apparently Jared thought that was actually my name.

4x2 Relay stick from Freshman year. This was the only time I ever ran faster than April Guiterrez. I had the fastest split for running 200m and we qualified to go to state and set a district record. I don't remember what my time was. I do remember that when I got the rod after my handoff, there were 3 other girls in front of me. I felt such an adrenaline rush as I watched these 3 girls and the distance between us get smaller and smaller until after about 100m I passed the last girl. I heard the crowd cheering and I imagined it was all for me and I seriously felt like I was flying. I had lots of dreams about flying after this race. From this point on, any time I felt incredibly happy, I would dream about flying.

Connie's maternity clothes. Just kidding. No nostalgia there, just wanted to let you know I haven't thrown them out Connie, I'll get them back to you.

Letters from Friends. One particularly funny one from Melanie Summers written after she spent some time at ISU and got to know Nathan and Brian a little. Her conclusions are that Nathan is scared to death of girls and that Brian probably just doesn't care one way or the other. Pretty funny stuff in there big bro's.

I found a card given to me by Mike Leman that made me so happy. He said I didn't have to be the best musician in the world to still be talented and to make other people happy. I have to say that reading that card was just what I needed to hear. I have to play the violin this week twice - both solos - and I'm scared to death. I don't know what my problem is. I practice at home and think, yeah that's going to sound fine. Then we had a dress rehearsal last night with our stake choir and I came home and cried to Travis because of how I sounded. I don't know why playing the violin alone freaks me out so much, but it is my biggest fear. I think I would rather run through our church building naked. Well, maybe not church, but I sure would run down street. Anyway, the card was great and made me feel better than I did about things last night.

Well that's all the memories I have time for now unless you really want to hear some crazy poem I wrote about West Virginia or how reading Tolkein's Lord of the Rings makes me super thirsty and hungry. In that case, email me and I'll fill you in on the things I obviously need to clean out of my head!

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